You should know the interest rates upon maturity to ensure you gain a great amount of return. The returns are higher than other saving accounts, and you are guaranteed by the government! What should I know before applying for fixed deposits? What is a fixed deposit?Ī fixed deposit (FD) is the best option for people who want to keep their money safe and earn some interest from it. OCBC Bank and its subsidiaries provide a comprehensive range of financial and wealth management services, including consumer, corporate, investment, private, transaction banking, treasury, insurance, asset management, and stockbroking. It has been crowned Best Managed Bank in Singapore and the Asia Pacific by The Asian Banker for its financial strength and stability. OCBC Bank is continuously placed among the World’s Top 50 Safest Banks by Global Finance. OCBC Bank is Singapore’s oldest bank, having been formed in 1932 by merging three local banks, the oldest of which was established in 1912.